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SYSA & Stockton Storm Futbol Club

SYSA & Stockton Storm Futbol Club

Here you'll find links to information on player health and safety. The links are a good starting point for players, coaches, and parents who are interested in best practices and providing a safe environment for youth soccer.

** Important COVID-19 Updates and Revisions to Practice/ Game Protocol**


Parent Requirements 

-Do not bring your child to practice if they are not feeling well or if any member of the immediate household is ill.

- Please take the player's temperature before coming to practice. (100.4F or higher please stay home)

-Be sure that your player has plenty of water and that their water bottles are clearly labeled with your child’s name.
-No carpooling with parents/players outside of your immediate household.

-All players must have their own equipment and are not permitted to share (cleats, shin guards, ball, yellow t-shirt.) *coaches will not be providing pinnies during practices, each player must bring their own yellow shirt to be used if needed.

-Parents are required to maintain social distancing when attending practice.


Coach Requirements

-Coaches will be required to wear masks during practices and games.

-Coaches should limit the amount of equipment brought to practice.

-Players are not permitted to handle equipment or assist coaches in setting up or gathering equipment at the end of practice.

-Teams must maintain distance from each other if sharing the same field area.

-Coaches should avoid team huddles.

-Allow players to get drinks throughout practice individually and not as a group.

-Coaches are encouraged to work on individual skills such as juggling, touches on the ball and drills that encourage spacing. Any drills requiring standing in line are discouraged. For a list of recommended drills please contact our DOC.

-Coaches are reminded to ease kids back into conditioning and be mindful of the fact that most kids will not be used to the physical activity and heat. Acclimate them slowly and appropriately.


Game Requirements

-No team benches.

-No team snacks.

-No after game team handshakes or high fives (teams are encouraged to clap and thank the other team)

-Goalies are not permitted to use the same pair of gloves.

-We recommend that only immediate family members attend the games,  to limit the number of people on the field.

-Spectators are encouraged to wear masks.

-Parents are encouraged to space out around the field as much as possible. Typically, parents are not permitted to sit behind goals. We will allow for a variation this season to promote more spacing. Please look for the spectator lines and be sure to sit behind them so we can allow space for corner kicks and throw-ins.

SYSA will not be providing a snack shack this year, we will be opting for outside food trucks to be available.


We are in the process of trying to reserve extra hand washing stations to be placed throughout the complex. These extra resources are in high demand and we are doing our best to locate some for our season. Parents are encouraged to come with their own hand sanitizer in the event these are not available to rent.


Sitting in the gazebo area will be discouraged as they will not be sanitized between uses.


Please be mindful that this is an unprecedented time that we are all managing together. Sports are extraordinarily important to young athletes for mental and physical health. Returning to sports while minimizing the risk of COVID-19 infection takes caution, cooperation and innovation.


Thank you for your patience and understanding at this time.


We will continue to review and update you on changes as they come and as always we welcome any suggestions or recommendations from our club family.


If you are interested in receiving a certificate for concussion training, please complete one of the free online training courses with NFHS or the CDC.  Links are available on the right.


Stockton Youth Soccer Association
1308 Robinhood Drive, Suite 2
Stockton, California 95207

Phone: 209-472-9166
Email: [email protected]

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